Professional Sourcing and Customized Services

Products Sourcing

We keeps track of developments and is present in the most attractive markets to offer you intensive support

With Lohia Warehouse, you can benefit from very broad yet market specific sourcing expertise. We keep track of market development and present the most attractive offer to you. Our offices and functional wings are given the discretionary flexibility to respond suitably and responsibly to the demands of their local markets and target groups. We maintain close cooperation with strategic suppliers to reduce replenishment lead time and to win favorable trade terms.

China, India and South East Asia are the world's most important sourcing hubs of today. China has grabbed a considerable share of the world production of majority of product categories. India has a profile of a vital and refined finisher. South East Asia provides a unique mix of traditional, high-quality craftsmanship blended with contemporary flair and the latest trends - production takes place in immediate proximity to various customers. Lohia Warehouse is currently present in all three sourcing hubs; we have our offices in China, Hong Kong and India.  Through our offices we endeavor to offer the most attractive combination of products.


Our offices around the world, profound familiarity with all major markets and multicultural team of highly qualified, supremely motivated employees ensure perfect service for you at all times. You profit from our global network as well as from our ability to adapt to country- and target-group-specific requirements in each individual case. Backed by the latest technology, we provide human link to supply chain.


Four steps to social Standards four-step

The Three Audit Rule

To ensure that only the best products reach our customers, Lohia Ware house has laid a three audit rule. This rule implies that every supplier is audited and reviewed regularly.

Suppliers who score a 'good' can continue to business with Lohia Group companies for another three years before undergoing another audit.

If the audit determines that the supplier's practices are 'in need of improvement' or 'critical', i.e. if suppliers fail to meet the minimum standards stipulated by the Lohia Group's social program, they have six months to remedy the identified shortcomings, after which time they are re-audited.

Suppliers with especially positive audit results are encouraged to pursue to best-practice standard.